Tackle holiday shopping with more awareness through tai chi


The holidays are upon us again and the shopping frenzy has begun anew.  Many of us are running many different directions in store after store trying to find the perfect gift.  We are far from alone as we fight the overcrowded malls and sidewalks and find ourselves dodging loaded shoppers and bumping into those that seem locked into their cell phones rather than watching where they are going.

It’s time to put some of our tai chi experience into practice.  One of the key ingredients in tai chi requires that we exercise relaxed awareness.  In essence that means that we need to hold ourselves in good posture, keeping the body fully relaxed and open.  There is a common misconception when we use the word “relax” in tai chi.  Very often we think of relaxing as letting everything go limp so as to release tension and stress.  In fact to “relax” in tai chi means to open and expand yourself from the inside to allow your internal energy to flow unimpeded.  By so doing your posture becomes more suspended, your joints and ligaments more open and your connection to the earth more grounded.  This in turn allows you to be more aware and better able to yield to outside force.

It’s a very easy concept to envision but a more difficult one to put into practice.  Adding tai chi to your daily routine, however, is a great way to begin thinking about your overall posture and body awareness.  Tai chi will help you to focus on these and other underlying principles and allow you to more easily build them into your everyday life.  And that includes facing the holiday shopping frenzy!

Contact Tai Chi Lee or visit www.taichilee.com

Tai chi – slow down, try it and stick with it!

gardenIt seems that our society is all about quick fixes, quick responses and quick solutions.  We are so over-connected these days that normal conversation has been replaced with texting and our notion of getting away on a vacation is nearly impossible because of our attachment to cell phones, lap tops and work pads.  Everything is fast paced and very often if we can’t learn it or do it quickly, it isn’t worth our time.  What a shame!

It’s time we all stepped away from our computers, put down our cell phones and other electronic gadgets and took the time to “smell the neighbor’s garden.”  There is so much to enjoy out there when we squelch our high-intensity lifestyles and stop fighting with the normal frustrations of life. Read more

If your body doesn’t mind, you should try mind/body!

Its February already and we’ve all had an opportunity to start our exercise and fitness programs for the year.  Whether you’ve joined a local gym, startedMind_Body jogging, or enrolled in a group fitness class of some sort, you are well on your way to treating your body to a more healthy lifestyle.  You will tone your muscles, lose a bit of weight and increase your stamina.  But wait a minute!  Haven’t you forgotten something?

Very often we get so focused on our bodies that we forget about an equally important part of our being; our minds.  After all, what is it that controls all aspects of our perceptions, our reasoning and our thinking, both conscious and unconscious?  That’s right, our minds!  So why do we often neglect mind exercises?  READ MORE

Put tai chi on your New Year resolution list

Can it be that the year 2013 is upon us already? Another year has passed by so quickly and you still didn’t start that exercise program that you swore you would start last year. Now is the time to start thinking about what you canJanuary-health-image do to start the New Year off in an active and healthful way. READ MORE



Like yin and yang, our nation must change

In the wake of the Newtown tragedy, our nation and the world mourns the senseless loss of innocent young children and heroic teachers. We hang our heads in sadness but also in shame. As a united nation, we have a moral obligation to revisit and amend our constitutional right ttwofisheso bear arms. Just as the tai chi two fishes diagram symbolizes balance and change, we must now search for a nonpartisan and expeditious solution to the gun laws in our country.  READ MORE

Health benefits from practicing tai chi

Tai chi offers a great way to open your senses, express your inner energy and exercise all at the same time.

Many people have hImageeard of tai chi or seen it performed on television. Perhaps you have witnessed people practicing tai chi in your local park or maybe you have read about some of the medical and psychological benefits. To be sure, there are many advantages to gain by finding a local class and indulging in a lifelong learning experience that is tai chi.  READ MORE